Sunday, May 17, 2009


Since America has the most expensive healthcare system, showing signs of crippling our economy, with less than stellar results, as evidenced by specific statistics on life expectancy and infant mortality, time has come for massive changes.

Since all other major industrial nations use a single-payer government-financed systems with better results, plus a 2006 BusinessWeek Magazine article concluded that America's best healthcare system was the single-payer, government-financed VA Medical System, we might as well start there while at the same time weighing both the weaknesses and strengths of all the existing systems.

But, since there is such a big political divide in the US, likely the best approach, for now, is to incorporate several options, with all Americans guaranteed a choice, Universal Healthcare, but not "free" to all, with premiums based on ability to pay, adjusted gross income, likely "free" to those earning below about $100K per year.

Medicare is one existing option, though in need of major financial reworking, should remain since its administrative costs are very low, and most people having it, like it, plus it does combine public and private aspects since it only picks up about 80% of costs, plus certain deductibles, plus some Social Security payments deducted for Medicare. I do think it would be more efficient to eliminate the gap, and therefore eliminate insurance companies' Medigap and Medicare Advantage options, but, for now, it is best to make the insurance companies part of the winners to win their support for the massive changes needed in our healthcare system. I do think there should be at least one single-payer option, maybe just opening Medicare as a choice for everyone, since the system already exists. Medicaid also has to be included, perhaps rolled into an expanded Medicare. Also, expanding the VA system is a worthwhile option. Also, I think Kaiser Permanente should be part of the mix, since they have a fine HMO system, plus they are non-profit.

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